Art of Coming Back

By Can Kutlu Kınay on August 21, 2024


I don’t like starting to write. Or run. Or do exercises. Who likes that? So much uncertainty. So much unknown. So much fear.

The thing is, it is not about liking it. It is about trusting your knowledge that just after you start (ok, maybe after you finish) this “unliking” will pass. So one has to love what they do not like. Because this unpleasant experience is the gate to the greater lands.

Ramp up

It is all fine when you commit and show up each day. My challenge was what happens after the first “failure”. Just missing a day, or two. I had zero tolerance for these.

Many of us start criticizing ourselves. “I knew I was not able to do this!”, or “I am not good enough”, or so. Little perfectionist in our brains learned from the worst to be the best: critisize yourself before anyone else has a chance.

Do it, just do it! Well, just fucking do it!!


I know this piece is not the best I can put out. There is also no need to. It is part of the process, which will bring the progress.

Come Back

Before letting an inner or outer critic to put you in a prison of misery, put these judgements into test:

As you see, these require some headspace and time to execute. So good luck for finding those! You and I both know this is possible.

So use this to dispell the low-spirit and dark clouds. And there will be sunshine! ☀️